Thursday, April 21, 2011

Overturned truck floods Interstate 10 with strawberries

Overturned truck floods Interstate 10 with strawberries

We had a story (see above link) here on the news about a truck overturning and spill strawberries all over a major freeway.  I found the story very amusing for some reason.  I guess it was an accident story in which no one was hurt and something out of the ordinary.  As I was sharing this story with my brother he mentioned how it was too bad that a whip cream truck and funnel cake truck weren’t involved in the accident.  That way with how hot it is here the funnel cake dough would cook on the road way and with the strawberries already there all you would need is to add the whip cream.  What a brilliant idea!!
  It made me think about how often in life we have accidents that end up with “strawberries” on our roads.  We sometimes tend to think about how we lost the strawberries, about what a mess to clean up, or how traffic will be backed up for miles.  When sometimes all we need to do is think of ways to make a negative a positive.  We can think about how to get the whip cream truck and the funnel cake truck to the site.  We can choose to make the best or the worst out of any situation.  So why not look for the good? That way in the end we are enjoying strawberries, funnel and whip cream.

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