Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother's Day?

I am very blessed!  Yesterday, my husband and I were discussing Mother’s Day since it is coming up next Sunday.  Mother’s Day is a little bittersweet for me.  It’s a day for me to celebrate my Mother, Grandmothers and all the other Mother figures in my life.  I have been very blessed with the amazing women in my life. I love that I get to celebrate them and it is a very sweet.  On the bitter side, like many other women struggling with infertility it is also a reminder of the fact that we aren’t Mothers, that we haven’t yet had that experience of having our own children.  As I was explaining to my husband that Mother’s Day doesn’t real mean much to me.  I’m not a mother and that I don’t really see the point in celebrating on my behalf.  (I wasn’t being negative about it, I wasn’t even upset about it and there were not tears.)  I was just stating the fact and the truth of the matter.  Well, I guess this might have upset my husband a little bit.  My husband then informed me that we were celebrating Mother’s Day.  He said that no matter what, I was the Mother of his children and that we were celebrating that fact. Even though I don't have children now and am not a mother. I have the potential to be a mother and we can celebrate that and all the Mother like qualities I posses. I must admit it did bring tears to my eyes. It was actually really sweet and kind of cute how indignant he got about Mother’s Day for me.  It also made me feel very blessed to have such a understanding, loving and supportive husband.  So, I guess we will be celebrating Mother's Day in my house after all. 

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