Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I may have to hide all post by.....well you.

Dear Facebook -

I both love and hate you. Why? You might be asking yourself do I hate you and love you at the same time. I will illustrate for you my reason for both loving and hating you.  I will start with the love side:  
  • I love you because you keep me up to date with my family and friends.
  • You help me feel like I have a connection to those around me without actually having to talk to them, visit or see them.
  • You let me share my life and adventures with those around me.
  • Pictures (I love sharing and having pictures)
Now, on to the other side of the debate the reasons why I hate Facebook.  I fear that this side maybe growing more than the love. My reason for hating Facebook are:
  • You make it easy for people I don't want to be friends with to ask me to be friends or to find me.
  • I sometimes feel obligated to be friends with people I don't want to be friends with for example family members
  • There is a lot of drama on you
  • It makes me feel depressed to see some many "friends" are pregnant or having babies. I swear it takes days to recover from the "happy" news. Trust me it's not happy news on this end. This news often makes me feel like my heart was crushed in a glass recycling center machine.
  • The complainers - Those "friends" who complain about being pregnant or having kids. (Granted as I'm complaining I find the humor in this one)
So, dear Facebook I will keep you. I may be a little bit addicted to anyways. Plus, how else can I waste several hours of mindless fun on the computer. I also do love being able to keep in touch with my family all over the World. Though dear Facebook friends I may just have to hide all your post. Don't worry though friends because I’m not unfriending you or blocking you.  I’m just hiding you’re posts and I will be quick about it.  There won’t be any pain and you even won't know it has happened, but I will.

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