Thursday, May 19, 2011


Did you know that there is this whole big world of couponing?  Well, I sure didn’t!  I mean, my husband has occasionally used a coupon for a restaurant/ fast food place or on an item in the Grocery Store.  That is where my coupon world was at until “Extreme Couponing”.  I must say that I am fascinated by TLC’s new show “Extreme Couponing”.  At first I was skeptical that this show would be good.  I figured that it would not really have much savings. Wow, was I wrong!  I’m a huge fan now. The show is a little addicting.  I love to watch all these Men and Women fill up their 4 or 5 carts with items.  My heart starts racing with them when I see the total.  I start getting nervous for them and the cost.  Then the coupons and store cards start coming out and my mind is blown by the savings.  I can’t wait to see what the next persons total will be and how much they might save. It has inspired me to use coupons.  Not, that I am anywhere near the Extreme Couponing status but instead of throwing them out I am more likely to see if I can use them.  If you haven’t check out this show then I recommend it.  Just remember, you have been warned that you might get a little bit addicted to it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


                I feel like I am getting worse and worse at handling disappointment.  I wish I could be more Optimistic, Hopeful, and Faithful.  It just seems like with every disappointment it gets harder and harder to pick myself up and pull myself back together.  I think I get discouraged a little too easy. 
My new goal is to work on handling disappointment better.  That way I can teach myself how to better handle disappointing situations and the setbacks of life.  So, with that in mind I am making myself a handy dandy disappointment action plan.
·         Reevaluate my expectations
·         Talk about my feelings/Supportive friends and family
·         Don’t set my hopes to high / Be realistic
·         Look for the lesson in the situation
·         Look Forward not back
·         Focus on accomplishments not failures
·         Have a contingency plan
·         Work hard and don’t give up
·         Keep my perspective
·         Find good/fun things to occupy my time
·         A sense of humor and laughter help

Next time I feel disappointed and overwhelmed I now have a plan. The fun part will be implementing it and working on my new goal.  (I have already started working on a few things on this list just by making this plan. Go me!!) I am hoping that it will help me to focus on the positives and not the negatives then maybe I will have more of those traits that I wished for above.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Family Act (Infertility Tax Credit Bill)

Sen. Gillibrand has introduced S.965, the Family Act (a federal Infertility Tax Credit Bill) into the Senate. We need Senate co-sponsors! Find out more info and how you can help today at RESOLVE's website.

I have already e-mailed my state Senators and you can to by clicking on the link.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Women in the Scriptures

Shunamite Woman

                My heart has found comfort in the scriptures.  I have been studying the women in the Bible.  Women such as: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Hannah, Shunamite Woman and Elisabeth.   These amazing women all went through and dealt with infertility.  It is these women that have become my role models, heroes and friends.  These sisters have shared heartbreak, they have longed for children, they have even asked why and they have continued forward regardless of the outcome.  In essence they have shared the same journey that many women have when dealing with infertility. What better role model could a woman have?   I find as I study these women each one shows me new things about themselves, infertility and about myself.  What a blessing to have the scriptures!
Sarah/Sarai Story -- Genesis Chapter 18
Rebekah Story -- Genesis Chapter 25
Rachel's Story -- Genesis Chapter 30
Hannah's Story -- 1 Samuel Chapter 1 & 2
Shunamite Woman's story -- 2 Kings Chapter 2, 3 & 4
Elisabeth's Story --  Luke Chapter 1

Spring and Summer time

Spring and Summer time are my favorite times of year.  I love that that everything is new and beautiful.  I love the sense of hope and renewal that comes with this time of year.  It’s very contagious.  It’s the time of year where you can’t help but want to sweep out the gloom and sadness of winter.  Then open all the doors and windows and let all the bright and happiness inside of spring.

Palo Verde

The Palo Verde trees are blooming here in Arizona.  I just love how beautiful they look! They are bright yellow and they just make me smile.  It’s like little rays of sunshine shooting out of the branches of the trees and falling on the ground all around the tree. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother's Day?

I am very blessed!  Yesterday, my husband and I were discussing Mother’s Day since it is coming up next Sunday.  Mother’s Day is a little bittersweet for me.  It’s a day for me to celebrate my Mother, Grandmothers and all the other Mother figures in my life.  I have been very blessed with the amazing women in my life. I love that I get to celebrate them and it is a very sweet.  On the bitter side, like many other women struggling with infertility it is also a reminder of the fact that we aren’t Mothers, that we haven’t yet had that experience of having our own children.  As I was explaining to my husband that Mother’s Day doesn’t real mean much to me.  I’m not a mother and that I don’t really see the point in celebrating on my behalf.  (I wasn’t being negative about it, I wasn’t even upset about it and there were not tears.)  I was just stating the fact and the truth of the matter.  Well, I guess this might have upset my husband a little bit.  My husband then informed me that we were celebrating Mother’s Day.  He said that no matter what, I was the Mother of his children and that we were celebrating that fact. Even though I don't have children now and am not a mother. I have the potential to be a mother and we can celebrate that and all the Mother like qualities I posses. I must admit it did bring tears to my eyes. It was actually really sweet and kind of cute how indignant he got about Mother’s Day for me.  It also made me feel very blessed to have such a understanding, loving and supportive husband.  So, I guess we will be celebrating Mother's Day in my house after all.